Bajaj Auto is getting a lot of troubles while launching its RE60 Quadricycle in India as the manufacturer is facing the obstruct via a case that has been filed against it in high courts placed in fewer states. At the very first time, the automaker introduced this vehicle at the 2012 New Delhi Auto Expo as a replaced version of the auto-rickshaws and announced to set up in the Indian automobile market during the second half of last year. As the car will replace the auto-rickshaws, that's why it is passing thorough many difficulties in the favor of local pedestrian and its launch date is delaying day by day.
In the second month of this ongoing year, all the cases that have been filed against the car in High Courts yet to date were congregated by the Supreme Court of India to promulgate a final hearing. Finally, after a very long disputation they announced its hearing on April 22, but due to the bad luck of this runabout, the hearing has been postponed to July. Therefore, Bajaj Auto is delaying the release date for the RE60 Quadricycle.
The manufacturer is waiting for the hearing of this car in order to send it under production after the final judgment. The upcoming vehicle is expected to be appearing soon in the showrooms of Sri Lanka too in this current year with unique designing features.
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