India's largest two-wheeler maker, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, has made an announcement at the beginning of the current year that the firm will be bringing up 15 new products, including facelift, in the country in 2015. Recently, the firm has launched its affordable fuel-efficient commuter motorcycle, Honda Livo, in the country at the price tag of Rs. 55489. Now, the Japanese two-wheeler manufacturer is moving towards the completion of its promise, now the company is working on the new 125cc motorcycle that will be introduced soon in the country as the camouflaged motorcycle caught on the camera during the testing.
The next upcoming motorcycle would probably based on the Honda CB Shine and it likely to be powered with the revised 125cc engine displacement. The motor will be featured with Honda Eco Technology to enhance the performance as well as mileage. As per the test mule, the motorcycle is featured with front and rear drum brake, it is expected that the front disc brake will be in option. The new 125cc motorcycle will receive revised suspensions, impressive graphics and black visor, whereas side panel will be borrowed from Honda CB Unicorn 160.
Moreover, the company has a wide range of commuter motorcycles in its portfolio, which comprises of Honda CB Unicorn 160, Honda Livo, Honda Shine, etc., the new upcoming motorcycle will join the commuter line-up soon. The motorcycle will be introduced during the festival season or first quarter of 2016. The new commuter motorcycle might be making its appearance with an aggressive price tag of Rs. 60,000.