Mahindra two-wheelers has silently launched the front disc brake variant of its commuter motorcycle, Mahindra Centuro. The motorcycle was showcased by the company at the 2014 Auto Expo. The company has also updated its products list on the official website by including the newly launched variant. Thus, the new variant is being sold in the domestic market at INR 52, 210. As of now, the Centuro’s model consists of the Centuro Disc Brake, O1, N1, Rockstar and Rockstar Kick Alloy. Whereas, the company has placed the new version on the top position in its class.
In terms of technical specifications, the Mahindra Centuro is powered with a 106.7cc air-cooled and single-cylinder unit which delivers 8.5 PS of power at the rate of 7000 RPM and 8.5 Nm of torque at the rate of 5500 RPM. The engine is mated to a four-speed gearbox. The MCi-5 (Micro Chip ignited-5 curve) engine smartly balances power output and fuel economy.
See also: Mahindra Scooters and Motorcycles
The ride quality of Centuro is very pleasure as it is featured with a wide seat and compact handlebar, which make riding quality comfortable as well as enjoyable. It measures a front hydraulic telescopic suspension and rear coiled spring five-step adjustable, which make handling even more comfortable over the rough terrain. The multi-reflector headlight along with LED pilot lamps are ensured for a sharp visibility at dark places. The Centuro is the only Indian motorcycle which is featured with a remote flip key and anti theft alarm with engine immobiliser.