From a long time, the market had been buzzing with the reports of Mahindra XUV500 automatic to be launched in the Indian market by the year 2016. However, as per some recent developments, the automaker is going to launch the automatic variant of XUV500 tomorrow. It is being anticipated that this automatic transmission facility that will consist of a 6-speed unit could be borrowed from Australia's Drivetrain Systems International (DSI). The company is already offering an automatic transmission system in Scorpio and undoubtedly it is the leading player in its segment for quite a while now.
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Under the hood, it will be packed with the same 2.2 litre mHawk diesel motor that develops 140Bhp and 330Nm of maximum output in the manual trim. As for now, the output for the automatic version is still unknown. As the automatic Scorpio is available with driving modes like Normal and Wet, the same kind of facility could be equipped with the upcoming XUV500. It is also not confirmed as to what kind of drivetrain would be fitted in the upcoming model.
If reports are to be believed, this SUV could sports smart and advanced features like 7-inch infotainment system, start/stop button, keyless entry, logo projected lamps on the wing mirrors, rear parking sensors and a 6-way adjustable driving seat. Further, it is likely to receive noteworthy fitments like six airbags, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), ABS, EBD, Hill Hold Control and Hill Descent Control. The retail price for which it is to be sold is still not disclosed and it could be unveiled along with the launch.
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