Audi has launched the special version of the Q7 that is christened as Design Edition, in India. The price for the limited edition model has been tagged with INR 81.99 lakhs (Pan India, Ex-showroom). The SUV gets the cosmetic updates as well as an array of added features inside-out from the manufacturer. The company has said the production of the full-size SUV will take place in a limited count.
In terms of added features inside out, the special edition car is loaded with an Audi smartphone interface, smoked tail lamps, running boards, exhaust trims in gloss black, and door puddle projection lamps with the Audi logo in front and the Quattro logo at the rear.
Under the hood, the Design Edition is packed with the 45 TDI spec 3.0-litre diesel motor, which is capable of generating the peak power of 249bhp along with 600Nm of torque. The produced power will be dispatched to all the wheels with the help of a seven-speed AT and Quattro AWD system.
Mr. Rahil Ansari, Head Audi India said at the event, “We have been at the forefront of creating the luxury SUV segment in India and the Audi Q7 has been the model that set the ball rolling for us. The Audi Q7 has always been for luxury connoisseurs who appreciate the finest in life and I am confident that the Audi Q7 Design Edition will appeal to India’s best”.