Tata Motors in collaboration with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) have launched the future of public transport at the Pune facility, taking a leap over better mobility solution and zero-emission commute. The company ahs launched the bus in three variants namely, the Starbus Electric 9m, Starbus Electric 12m and the Starbus Hybrid 12m which are developed in India. The company also showcased the first ever country's Indigenous Fuel Cell bus(12m), an Articulated bus(18m), and LNG Powered bus(12m).
The Hydrogen-Powered Starbus Fuel Cell bus has been developed in partnership with ISRO and the bus works by mixing hydrogen gas and oxygen, the fuel cell is responsible for the production of electricity in order to power the electric motor, with water and heat as exhaust. As far as the competition is concerned, the company sees Ashok Leyland's all-electric bus with circuit series that was revealed recently.
Ravindra Pisharody, Executive Director - Commercial Vehicles, Tata Motors said, "We have consistently been developing and manufacturing products that can contribute to CO2 reductions across all road transport segments and with early investments in new technologies, we are geared up to further strengthen our market leadership. With our new range of Future ready buses, we will continue to play an active role in mass public transportation, with a commitment towards striking the right balance between sustainable growth and profitability."
The company already signed a contract with the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) for supplying 25 units of the Starbus Diesel Hybrid electric bus with Full Low floor configuration. The deliveries of the buses will take place in the first quarter of FY2017-18. The bus will provide service across the Sion, Bandra & Kurla to Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC).