One of the well known car enthusiast from the Indian cricket team, Virat Kohli has included the Limited Edition Audi R8 LMX to his spectacular car collection by buying it yesterday at the expected price of INR 2.97 Crore. Undoubtedly, this super car comprises astonishing features, which compel every customer to bring it at their home. As Audi has acquainted only 99 units of the limited edition, then what makes it the one of the hottest news for the Indian automobile market that the prominent cricketer, Virat Kohli has become a latest owner of this super luxury roadster while taking its key from Audi India head, Mr. Joe King.
Audi is the one of his favorite brand as Virat already uses its S6 and Q7, but this limited edition model has been listed as his most expensive super sportscar yet to date.
The star batsman said, “I am delighted with my new limited edition super sports car Audi R8 LMX. I am especially proud and excited to be one of only 99 owners of this special car. I have always loved automobiles and have been an admirer of Audi.”
The R8 LMX is powered by a 5.2 litre V10 engine, which pumps out an efficacious power of 570 bhp and an incredible torque of 540 Nm. This mill gets mated to a 7-speed S-Tronic transmission that transfers the produced power to its all four wheels via Audi's Quattro all wheel drive system. Ahead of hitting a top speed of 320 km/h, the vehicle is capable to achieve a maximum speed of 100 km/h from the standstill position.
Available since January 2015, the Audi R8 LMX is the one and only one roadster in India that comprises a laser high beam headlights to enhance the protection for its passengers while traveling on the way via offering up to 500 metres of illumination range.
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