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Political Storm Lead to Bankrupt America

  • 1st, Oct 2013 5:12 PM
  • SAGMart Team
  • View: 3141

America, the world's largest superpower country, is caught in the deep economic crisis due to political stalemate. Due to the wrangling between ruling and opposition government budget is stuck in parliament and condition of shutdown (not to work) has developed.

The condition is that the U.S. government has not ample money for the running expanses. Economic analysts believe that the U.S. May also be practically bankrupt.

If President Barack Obama and opposition will not compromise America won't be able to pay debt. It will have a huge impact on the economies of the world and will increase the probability of America to be defaulter.

Let me tell you that the U.S. government's debt limit is $ 16,700 billion, and it will end on October 17. This means that Mid-October is the critical time for the U.S.

Till mid-October, the U.S. debt limit will be over and world's greatest superpower country America can be declared 'defaulter'. Well American politicians can raise debt limit, but it is the work of the Senate and the House of Representatives, but Parliament is one of the majorities of House Democrats in the Senate, while Republicans are in the majority in the House of Representatives. So it seems very difficult.

Source: Bhaskar.com