It seems like the wait is very close to end as Google is all set to launch its next generation of Android One device in Indian market on July 27. First time, it was scheduled to unveil on July 14, but it didn't happpen. Now the official teaser has come out to mark confirmation on the launching of the second iteration of Android One device. As we said earlier that Lava would be the lucky one to bring this Google device under its branding.
Not only the branding, this time Google has given the chance to the manufacturer to design and develop the Android One device which the search engine giant didn't give to the Micromax, Spice, and Karbonn. These companies were involved in the Google's initial Android One project. They brought devices based on this platform.
Well, the invite gives the clear indication of the second inning of Google's Android One Project as it reads, "Witness the power of 1". Here, the cryptic image of 1 is made-up of lots of words which are characterizing the features of this upcoming handset. "1" in this cryptic pattern says, "The One that will never grow old, will respect your privacy, will keep you powered longer and will help you create memories."
Few days back, a Lava handset was leaked which was speculated as Android One handset. Acording to that leaked information, this Lava made Android One smartphone could bring 12-megapixel rear camera, 7-megapixel front camera, and 16GB inbuilt storage. As we said in our earlier report that MediaTek will help the Mountain View giant by powering this unannounced gadget. And, here its is said to come with 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6735 quad-core processor and 2GB RAM.
Looking at all such rumoured specs, it seems like this time we will see more advanced features in the Android One.