India has tasted Android One last year and attained an average success in country despite Google branding. Search engine giant brought the project specially for Indian market, making it with hardware and software which cost low, but never compromise on performance side. Well, the first iteration has ended and this popular Android One project is going to play its second inning. This time company has selected Lava for bringing such devices in market with its labeling as reported by Economic Times.
Yes, its true that Google is going to roll out the Android One based Lava handset in India very soon. And, unlike its first inning, second inning will also give the chance to Indian mobile manufacturer to prove itself in development and design of the handset. Yes, Lava and MediaTek will co-develop and co-design the Android One smartphones for country and will show its contribution perfectly in hardware and software scion. Do remind you that Google didn’t take any contribution in first iteration from Indian mobile manufacturers in development and designing, but Lava is the lucky one. This new handset would be based on an optimized Android platform and will come with enhanced features where Google and Lava will work together.
Well, 14 July would be the date when this Lava made Android One smartphone will make debut in India at the price tag of Rs. 12,000.Now, move to the specification which is suggesting for a 5-inch display as reported. MediaTek’s chip will be powering this unannounced handset which will be complimented by a 2GB RAM which can be considered as a hike over the first iteration of Android One smartphones’ specs-sheet. The search engine giant has worked very hard with lava to modify the OS at its best to bring more improved user experience.
Currently, India has Android One based Micromax Canvas A1, Karbonn Sparkle V and Spice Dream UNO smartphones which were launched last year.