LG has announced buy back scheme on G2 smartphones. Customer can avail free gifts and cash discount on exchanging their old smartphone. The G2 smartphone is available with a discount of Rs. 5,001 on best buy price. The effective price for 16 GB variant is Rs. 36,499 and 32 GB variant is Rs. 39,499. Apart from this they will also get a quick window cover worth Rs. 2,999 as a freebie. LG G2 is equipped with 5.2 inch capacitive Full HD touch screen IPS display. It is mated with a heavy 2.26 GHz Quad core processor. The battery inside this phone is a 3000mAh unit. 13 MP DSLR like OIS camera is also there which is great for photography purpose. The phone runs on Android Jelly Bean operating system.
Another offer is applicable G Pro Lite. This phone will be available for Rs. 20,490. This phone will come equipped with a free Jelly Cover. LG G Pro is equipped with 5.5 inch capacitive touch screen. The battery inside this phone is a 3140mAh unit. Photography is fun with its 8 MP camera. This phone also runs on Android Jelly Bean operating system.