OnePlus, has recently launched its OnePlus 3T smartphone in the country, which is the upgraded version of company’s flagship smartphone OnePlus 3. The company on the launch had announced that the upgraded handset will be available via company’s official online retail partner Amazon India. As decided earlier, the smartphone will be available online from 12.01 am IST on December 14, but now the company has decided to make the device available to the prime users of Amazon India by a sale, going to be held on December 12.
The prime users of Amazon India will be able to grab the smartphone in a sale, going to be held between 2pm and 3pm on 12 December 2016. Amazon at its FAQ page said, “Due to limited quantities, members will be able to avail this offer while stocks last.” The thing to notice is, Amazon has announced that people using free trial of this prime user facility can also take part in this sale.
According to the leading online shopping portal, the prime users will also have to register to get the phone early. The company said that being a prime member doesn’t guarantee that you will get the smartphone in this early sale. The sale will last till the limited amount of stock last. Earlier, the OnePlus has also announced its December Dash sale in which a user can get a chance to win OnePlus 3T smartphone and other accessories at just Re 1 via company’s official website.
The highlighting upgrades, which makes OnePlus 3T better from its predecessor includes a faster SoC, a larger capacity battery, increased inbuilt storage and a higher resolution front camera. OnePlus 3T will be available at a price rate of 29,999 for the 64GB variant and Rs 34,999 for the 128GB variant of the company.
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