According to credible reports, Samsung will introduce ‘Made In India‘ tablet on May 25, 2016. The 7-inch tablet is being powered with 1.5 GB RAM, and it is expected to create revolutions in the highly competitive Indian market. Official confirmation regarding the specifications and features of this new gadget is expected to be unveiled only on the launching day. The company has already sent out invites to all prominent media houses in the country.
If reports are true, then this device will have similar features of Galaxy A tablet, which is now listed on their Dutch website. The device has a 7-inch display with 1280*800 picture resolution. It has a 1.3 Ghz quad-core processor, and the RAM will be 1.5 GB as we have mentioned earlier. It has a 4000 mAh battery which provided long battery backup.
The reports also said that the gadget will have a primary camera of 5 MP. The front facing camera will be of 2MP. The internal storage will be of 8 GB, and it can be expanded using an external memory card. The tablet will run on Android 5.1 lollipop platform. This tablet will have all kinds of connectivity features which include, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and a micro USB port.
Samsung was once the front-runner in Indian mobile market. But the company faced a small set back when Indian firms like Micromax and Lava entered the scene. By providing budget smartphones and tablets, these companies captured the hearts of Indian customers who love mid ranged devices. Samsung aims to bounce back in style with this new tablet which will be priced in a moderate manner.
Recently, Samsung launched Galaxy J5 and J7 which are available online.
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