In the segment of Android One smartphone, one more smartphone has been added to lure Hindi speaking people of India. A domestic mobile maker Spice and the Mountain View giant Google has come together and brought a new variant of Dream Uno smartphone, which is specially based on Hindi language – the Dream Uno H. The Hindi language centric handset in Android One range has been arrived in market at Rs. 6,499. It can be purchased from any online or offline store.
Crafting this handset with a complete Hindi keyboard, the manufacturer has tried to target 300million Hindi-speaking population. Not only the keyboard, but the voice input and Google services’ app have also been updated in Hindi. Chrome, Search, YouTube and Google Maps are few apps which are available in Hindi for this device. It is a dual SIM smartphone which is a dream project of Spice to lure population of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar specifically.
Spice Dream Uno H is equipped with Android 4.4.4 KitKat OS which has impressive and easy-to-understand interface. On the specification side, this Hindi variant seems to be inherited from the original Dream Uno. It is paired with a 4.5-inch FWVGA display and a 1700mAh battery. A 1.3GHz quad-core processor and 1GB of RAM are coupled to offer fast and smooth performance result. This device also supports 3G connectivity and has a 4GB built-in storage (expandable upto 32GB using microSD card).
The device also sports a 5-megapixel rear camera with LED Flash and also has a secondary camera of 2-megapixel clarity. The handset maker is also offering this Hindi smartphone with few preloaded Hindi apps such as Sony Live, Hungama, Spice Cloud, Google Translate, and AajTak. Eventually, the second Spice Android One smartphone has been announced by Google to target India’s Hindi-speaking mobile users.