Swipe Technologies have launched its new smartphone model in India, the Swipe Konnect Neo 4G. The phone supports 4G VoLTE and comes with a price tag of Rs 3,999. Online retailer shopclues is offering the smartphone at just Rs 2,849. It is available exclusively online on shopclues and Flipkart.
From the specifications side, the Swipe Konnect NEO 4G is available only in Black color. The smartphone sports a 4-inch WVGA (480x800 pixels) display, and is powered by a 1.5GHz quad-core processor paired with just 512MB of RAM. Internal storage memory is 4GB, which can be further extended upto 32 GB.
On the camera side, Swipe Konnect Neo 4G offers 5-megapixel rear camera along with LED flash and autofocus feature. The Front 1.3 megapixel camera is decent for clicking selfies and video chats. Camera features of the phone sounds low but price of the phone is one of the benefits to attract customers. From connectivity board, Dual sim support (Micro+Mini) Bluetooth, Wi- Fi connectivity, GPS are some of the common features of the smartphone. The 2000 mAH battery gives sufficient life to the mobile phone. Swipe offers one year manufacturing warranty and six months box accessories warranty to their customers. The box accesories that comewith the device are: adaptor, data cable, earphone, user guide, headset, charger, warranty card.