Vivo has recently introduced an new smartphone dubbed as Y21L in India, priced at Rs 7,490. The Android smartphone is available in White and Grey colour variants in the country.
The Dual-sim smartphone comes with a 4.5 inch FWVGA display of resolution 480X854 pixels and features a 5-megapixel rear camera with flash along with a 2-megapixel front shooter for selfies. Powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 (MSM8916) processor coupled with 1GB of RAM, the smartphone runs on company’s Funtouch OS based on Android 5.1 Lollipop.
Vivo Y21L is blessed with a 16GB of inbuilt storage which can be further expanded up to 128GB via microSD card. Talking about the connectivity options, along with 4G and VoLTE support, the new handset is includes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3.5mm jack and Micro-USB with USB OTG compatibility.
The smartphone is backed up with a 2000mAh battery and includes ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer and a magnetometer as sensors on board.
Y21L comes with some unique features such as Palm capture and Voice capture. Palm capture according to the company helps users to click more sharper, more detailed and vivid pictures, on the other hand Voice capture allows users to take picture by just saying ‘Cheese’. Other smart features of the handset includes Smart Wake and Smart Click, in which the first feature allows gesture shortcuts while the other one lets user bring up customised apps or features by holding downward the volume key.
Vivek Zhang, CEO Vivo India, said referring the launch in an emailed statement, “We are pleased to offer the new Y21L packed with 4G VoLTE technology to our Indian customers at an affordable price of Rs 7,490. With this device, we reassure our commitment to offer quality products to our valued customers.”
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