Xiaomi, the renowned Chinese mobile maker, has launched its Redmi Note 5A smartphone in China. The smartphone has been priced at CNY 699 (approximately Rs 6,800) and is available in three storage choices. There is a 3GB RAM+ 32GB internal storage model, priced at CNY 899 (approximately Rs 8,700), and a 4GB RAM + 64GB internal storage model, priced at CNY 1,199 (approximately Rs 11,600). It is unclear when the smartphone will make it to the Indian market.
All three Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A variants have been made available in Champagne Gold, Rose Gold, and Platinum Silver color options. The smartphone sports a sleek metal unibody, antenna bands at the back, single camera setup, and capacitive navigation buttons in the front. The USB Type-C port and dual speaker grilles are situated at the bottom edge, and the 3.5mm audio jack is situated on the top edge. The premium variants have a fingerprint scanner situated at the back as well.
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The smartphone weighs 150g and features a metal unibody design. While the base model lacks a fingerprint scanner, the 3GB/4GB RAM models are equipped with the biometric sensor at the back. The Redmi Note 5A packs a 5.5-inch HD display and is powered by a 1.4GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 SoC, paired with 2GB/3GB/4GB of RAM and with 16GB/32GB/64GB of internal storage, which is expandable up to 128GB via microSD card.
On optics front, the device has been equipped with a 13-megapixel rear camera with flash along with a 16-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calling. The camera is further supported with LED flash for brighter images. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5A is fuelled by a 3,080mAh battery. On the software front, it runs Android-powered MIUI 9.
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