• Technology

Alphabet Inc now Owns Google, A new Parent Company of Larry Page

Alphabet as its name implies the meaning behind the naming convention perfectly, the inclusion of letters from A to Z. But, what we are trying to describe here for you will knock you down with a feather. Its Alphabet Inc which will run Google. Yes, the biggest search engine company has now become the subsidiary of the newly established company which is formed by Google itself. Founder and co-founder of the search engine giant are now heading this new company. This is the one who will be holding all the companies which were handled by Google yet.

Eventually, the Alphabet Inc. has become the parent company of Mountain View based tech leader and CEO Larry Page and co-founder Sergey Brin will run this organization. And, the Senior VP of Google has now been made the CEO of Google. That's the overview of Alphabet Inc. Now take a deep dive to epitomize the full story of it.

Well, as its name suggests it is the company which will be leading group of companies. Every letter would represent one company, and Google is the biggest one among them. Through this organization, the search engine giant will give a new way to represent its variety of businesses. As Larry page stated in a blog post, "Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one. As part of that, we also said that you could expect us to make smaller bets in areas that might seem very speculative or even strange when compared to our current businesses."

Page also added, "Our company is operating well today, but we think we can make it cleaner and more accountable. So we are creating a new company, called Alphabet."

The search engine giant has been working very hard and enthusiastically from years to expand its business in various field, and hence it got the success in doing so. Apart from the Search, they have Google Maps, YouTube, Chrome, and Android also.

Not only the tech companies, but the companies with "far afield" as per Page statement are also going to being the part of this new organization, such as Life Sciences the field where company will be working on glucose sensing contact lenses. So, L is for Life Science, C is for Calico which works in longevity and on the technology which handles aging. Other few letters include V for Ventures, C for Capital, X for X Lab which will be a complete new experience for the tech company in the realm of Wing and drone delivery, and the biggest one G is for GOOGLE.

So, just stay tuned with us to get every new business inclusion in this Alphabet family.

Source: abc.xyz