• Technology

Apple Car to Touch the Roads in 2019: Reports

It was in February, this year when the Wall Street Journal stated that Apple is working on a car that will run on electric motors only. At that time, it was being expected that it could be "minivan'.The inclusion  of Siri, new CarPlay system was already disclosed by the reports. The project codenamed "Project Titan" is since then running on its way to develop a rival for Google driver-less car.

But now, adding more to already running rumors, the WSJ has reported that Apple is targeting to launch this so called iCar in 2019. But interestingly, the leaked information states that the first of its four wheel product will not be fully autonomous. The complete driver-less car will be the result of a long term plan.

Presently, under Project Titan, nearly 600 experts are working as a team. But to get the favorable result soon, the company is planning to increment the experts count in that team. To make the project a success, Tim Cook & Co. are reportedly meeting the government officials too.

Being a new entrant in the auto industry, it will be tough for Apple to get a boost. Where Apple is planning to offer its result somewhere in 2019, Google, the tech giant is already running various experiments on its Google car to make it more secure and effective for the needy.