The Apple event has blossomed the floor with its different kind of fragrances on Thursday by presenting its variety of products to taste. Few software have also managed to show their existence in the same. The OS X Yosemite has also made its appearance to lure with its amazing UI and features. Craig Federighi, SVP of Apple’s Software Engineering has said that the Yosemite will be eaching to Mac App Store today to download for free.
Now the new OS is available to upgrade your Mac system with new operating system. This is the first time when Apple offered its beta version for free to download. Apple didn’t take such a different step since 2000 when the first OS X was under the working. A purely new interface with refreshed design is quite impressive and easy to use. You feel relax with its Continuity feature which let users to begin one task on one system and then finish on other, thanks to its cross-platform nature.
The apps have also been updated with elegant and incredible features for Mac devices that support the new OS. The presentation of them has also been revamped to show the simplicity and elegance. iWork has also get the updates and is also available for free with Yosemite. The new version of safari will also enhance the accessibility and usability of web surfing and browsing. iPad mini 3 has also been launched with iOS 8.1 update.
The Apple event was held in Berlin. So, the OS X 10.10 Yosemite is just under your nose to taste on your Mac device. Will it stand against of Mavericks with its incredible interface and features?