The tech giant Google had launched its second Chrome OS powered portable workstation in March last year and named it Chromebook Pixel 2. As per the latest reports, it looks as if the techno-giant is in no mood to continue with the product. The absence of Second-Gen Chromebook Pixel from the Google Store in the US is enough to consider this as confirmed.
As reported by Venture Beat, the portable laptop is no more listed on the website as it shows an 'out of stock' message, which might be an indication that Google is very clear on what has to be done and would not like to work more for its Chromebook Pixel 2. One must recall that the Chromebook Pixel 2 was the successor to Mountain View-based organization's Chromebook Pixel that got discontinued in April this year.
Also Read: Google Chromebook Pixel Laptop goes Official
Company's official spokesperson quoted that "We're focused on the Pixel program yet we don't have arrangements to restock the Pixel 2." The announcement clarifies all the impending doubts and if we take a look at the specs of the Chromebook Pixel 2 we would observe that it came in two models both sporting Fifth Gen. Intel Core processors. The first 2.2GHz Intel Core i5 processor model was evaluated at a price tag of USD 999 (approximately Rs 67,000) and the second variant i.e, LS (Ludicrous Speed) model that came featured with a 2.4GHz Intel Core i7 processor came at an MRP of USD 1,299 (generally Rs 88,000).
With such a price tag, there is no denying the fact that Google was directly competing against both the Apple's MacBook PCs and Microsoft Surface hybrid line of products compared to other much less expensive Chrome OS variants. Google despite knowing the hardware and software specs of the product expected it to garner users quite easily, but surprisingly it did not happen. However, despite the 'out of stock' message on the U.S website, U.K based users can easily request for Google laptops, but still, the question lingers, Until When?
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