• Technology

Intex Launches Android 4.4 Kitkat powered iRist Smartwatch

  • 16th, Jul 2015 3:23 PM
  • View: 2065

Today a smartphone is incomplete without its companion-"The Smartwatch". Every Organization which manufactures a mobile phone is setting its foot in smartwatch market. Following the tradition, Indian handset manufacturer Intex has also launched its new watch named iRist. Thing which distinguishes this smart wearable from others is that iRist works on Android 4.4 Kitkat whereas other similar gadgets works on OS specially built for these devices known as Android Wear.

It is for the first time that any Indian company has developed, designed and manufactured a smart wearable. iRist shall be available solely on eBay till it is not available at Intex retail partners. Cost of this watch has been set as Rs.11,999 by company.

Announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC) held in Shenghai, made in India smartwatch has some really good and exciting features in it. The device comes with 3G SIM support and a feature known as iConnect, which enables user to connect the watch with his/her smartphone and can have access to call logs, messages and miss calls. The device can also work independently without any mobile device.

Let's have a look on some of the other features of iRist. The smart wearable has a built-in feature known as voice assistant. This feature comes handy in sending an email, opening and closing an app, all these tasks can be performed by just giving voice commands. iRist also provides a bluetooth headset which is useful while calling and listening to music. The gadget has memory of 4GB and can be extended up-to 32GB. The watch has clear 240 X 240 pixels resolution, which produces 16 million colours. iRist also supports a 5 MP camera with face detection technology.

According to Mr. Keshav Bansal, Director, Intex Technologies "We are stepping into a new era of innovation with the launch of the IRist. Today through this platform we have established our brand as a global dimensional entity that believes in bringing the best in class technology through its products. With the announcement of this new wearable by Intex, we are introducing a different category of products to our audience." He also added "We aim at taking home the advanced technology by our brand in order to familiarise the masses with the feature rich products which add convenience to their lives. We have always believed in improving the quality of life of people by empowering them with latest technological products at affordable price."

So now le''s just wait till we get first ever made-in-India smart wearable.

Source:- gadgets.ndtv.com