• Technology

Microsoft Mistake Gives a Glimpse of Windows 9 Logo

The buzz regarding the Windows 9 is already spreading over Internet with a new name, called Windows Threshold. And, the another one has also come to enhance the curiosity. However, it was just a mistake, happened through Microsoft China. Company has teased Windows 9 logo with coming soon tag. The tag gives the prior indication of its early releasing. It’s clearly showing that the upcoming OS will no longer be a secret for world.

Microsoft China posted on Weibo account, "Microsoft's latest OS Windows 9 is coming soon, do you think the start menu at the left bottom will make a come back?" along with a logo which is positioned below the text. If we believe on the post, then it will soon reach in market with new appearance.

It was previously reported that Microsoft will bring its newest version of Windows operating system on September 30 as technology preview. People are still taking the experience of Windows 8.1 OS, meanwhile the Company is almost ready with the new one to amaze everyone with out of the blue experience.

Though, Company has quickly removed the post, but the logo was captured by Chinese website Cnbeta. So, now the logo of the upcoming operating system is clear. Few reports also suggest some tweaks in design, some improvements in features and some completely new features. Microsoft has plans to organize an event on September 30 which will release Windows Threshold.

The Technology Preview will be providing the closer look of revamped UI, new mini Start Menu, removal of the Charms bar feature and many others. It is also expected that the Windows 9 will also come with Cortana. What we will receive, and what really exist? All will be known when the Windows 9 will reach in desktops.