Facebook is gearing up to make money from WhatsApp by moving into the customer support business. WhatsApp will also offer a free app to small-to-medium sized businesses but hasn’t defined the exact performance of the app. The enterprise solution will allow global companies “to provide customers with useful notifications like flight times, delivery confirmations, and other updates”.
"We\'re building and testing new tools via a free WhatsApp Business app for small companies and an enterprise solution for bigger companies operating at a large scale with a global base of customers, like airlines, e-commerce sites, and banks," according to the blog post.
WhatsApp also officially announced this closed pilot program would feature a green checkmark to distinguish them from personal accounts and business accounts. "We do intend on charging businesses in the future," Chief Operating Officer Matt Idema told the Wall Street Journal in an interview.
Also Read-WhatsApp Revealed New Feature for iOS Android and Web Users
Reuters had reported in March that the company is working carefully to avoid problems with spam messages, documents. WhatsApp, the messaging app that Facebook bought for $19 billion in early 2014, doesn’t make any money. The purchase amount was slightly more than the market value of Sony Corp.
Idema declined to describe the paid features or said when they would make their debut, according to the WSJ report. "We don\'t have the details of monetization figured out," he told the Journal.
" We\'ll be listening carefully to feedback during our test phase and keeping people informed as we make these tools more widely available," WhatsApp said in the blog post.
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