Windows 10 Cuddly Ads Bring Babies to Windows World

Microsoft has just made few Ads to tickle you with babies’ appearance.  The Redmond tech giant has shared 5 Ads featuring lots of kids’ chuckling and gurgling. These tickling acts of small kids across the world have come to tell everyone that “these children will have a much easier life than other, because these kids will grow up with Windows 10.”

One Ad says, “These kids won't have to remember passwords, or obsess about security.” While another describes about “Log-in with a Smile.” But, we don’t understand that why the voice over this Ads are not elaborating about the initial concept to understand such technologies. They simply propounded the fact that kids of Windows 10 generation will be more smarter and more happier than others. But, it doesn’t seem appropriate where such children will be asserted to find every screen as touchscreen, every web page to scribble and share.

The commercials also tell that Cortana also understands everything, including a baby in the Ad sitting in the bouncer. Us can now see these Ads in their entertainment box. But, people from Japan, Australia, UK, France, and Germany will see them from July 29.

Below is all these Microsoft Windows 10 Ads: You can check them and get entertained with babies cuddly presence.




