
Google Map of M/s Priyanka Motors Pvt.Ltd.

Here is the Google street map location of M/s Priyanka Motors Pvt.Ltd. situated at Tarnaka, Hyderabad, India. See the map and reach there with an easy way. Give your rating to M/s Priyanka Motors Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad and make us serve you better.

Address :
12-5-149/19/2, Opp. N.I.N., Beside Metro Station, Main Road, Tarnaka 500017
City Or Area : Hyderabad
State : Telangana
Phone : 040 66188881
Mobile : +91 9246852534, 9246152534, 7416465244 , +91 9985441899, 9394884497
Email :
Landmark : Tarnaka
Your Vote 00 badnormalgoodbetterbest

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Mr katta Anil kumar
Mr katta Anil kumar

i want a new suzuki bike

Reply 2nd, Apr 2017 10:25 AM

Worst showroom in entire hyderabad. Charged rta expenses from me but not done permanent registration even after one month. No response from the show room executives

Reply 6th, Jul 2016 10:37 PM
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