M/S. Paras Motors is located in Santrampur, Mahisagar, Gujarat which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to M/S. Paras Motors Mahisagar and make us serve you better.
Address | : | College Road, Near Essar Petrol Pump, Santrampur |
City Or Area | : | |
State | : | |
Pincode | : | |
Phone | : | |
Mobile | : | +91 9727466677 |
: | asc.paras.santrampur@heromotocorp.biz | |
Landmark | : | Santrampur |
Opening Hours | : | 9:30 AM To 6:30 PM |
Opening Days | : | Monday To Saturday |
I know hero service is best bus some executive of Paras Motors is cheating customers. M/s. Paras Motors, Near Paras Petroleum, Narsingpur 02675 221 677 two wheeler dealer. Actual the thing is Mr. Rizwan Pinzara who is the new employee and working as operator on counter. He talk to customer regarding service and after service, the service money put in own pocket and pending money gives to the other employees. He does not entry in the computer. The company manger does not know about the cheating. Please do something about this person and also doing wrong activity in other organization.