
BSNL Customer Care, Shaniwar Bazar, Parbhani

BSNL Customer Care is located in Shaniwar Bazar, Parbhani, Maharashtra which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to BSNL Customer Care Parbhani and make us serve you better.

BSNL Customer Care

Address : Shaniwar Bazar
City Or Area : Parbhani
State : Maharashtra
Pincode : 431401
Phone : 02452-220500
Fax : 02452-223000
Landmark : Shaniwar Bazar
BSNL Toll Free Number: 1800-345-1800

Rating : 00 badnormalgoodbetterbest

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Shaikh Ahmed
Shaikh Ahmed

Hi Sir My bsnl no. is 02452255544 purna branch dist parbhani From the last 3day iam facing lac of problem from ur Purna branch manager my modern not geting DSFL and from today afternun dailer tone is gone when i make an complaint to the head of purna he is say i can' t do anything go to parbhani branch. And the main issue is doing castizum he use so abusue word against my cast i cant tel u. He told me do whatever u want go to parbhani branch. If u r not going to take any action i wil go to police station.

Reply 10th, May 2014 9:51 PM

Other BSNL Customer Care in Parbhani

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Service Center, Showroom - Terms & Conditions

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