Khaneja Enterprises is located in Vijay Nagar Gurudwara, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to Khaneja Enterprises Lucknow and make us serve you better.
Address | : | Shop No. 74/28, Vijay Nagar Gurudwara |
City Or Area | : | |
State | : | |
Pincode | : | |
Mobile | : | +91 9918125158 |
Landmark | : | Vijay Nagar Gurudwara |
Opening Hours | : | 10:00 AM To 08:30 PM |
Opening Days | : | Monday To Saturday |
Dear sir i want work with u in wire cable segment. So plz if u have zetax wire twin twisted flexible. Plz send price and details . Thanking u With best regards Pawan tiwari Prop. Varanasi traders varanasi. 7617002897 8299277018