
Whirlpool Showroom, Malwa Mill Road, Indore

Mehta Electronics is located in Malwa Mill Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to Mehta Electronics Indore and make us serve you better.

Mehta Electronics

Address : Malwa Mill Road
City Or Area : Indore
State : Madhya Pradesh
Pincode : 456012
Mobile : +91 7312430493
Landmark : Malwa Mill Road
Opening Hours : 10:00 AM To 09:00 PM
Opening Days : Monday To Sunday
Our Services: Washing-machine, Refrigerator, Airconditioner, RO, Trouser And Cooking-Appliances

Whirlpool Toll Free Number: 18601804558

Rating : 00 badnormalgoodbetterbest

Write about something: Mehta Electronics Show

Shruti Laad
Shruti Laad

The worst service provider to the customers The behavior of the staff towards customers is good while sale of the product but after sale they did not want to listen the concern of the customer Thus i can say they do not bother about there customer satisfaction which is the key element for any organization or showroom I will suggest people to do not buy any product from them if you want correct product should come to your home

Reply 24th, May 2016 2:02 PM

Other Whirlpool Showroom in Indore

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