S. R. Enterprises is located in Anishabad, Patna, Bihar which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to S. R. Enterprises Patna and make us serve you better.
Address | : | A-9, Alinagar, Near Kautliya Public School, Road No F3, Anishabad |
City Or Area | : | |
State | : | |
Pincode | : | |
Mobile | : | +91 9934109246 , +91 9931456427 |
: | customercare@su-kam.com | |
Landmark | : | Anishabad |
Opening Hours | : | 10:00 AM To 6:00 PM |
Opening Days | : | Monday To Saturday |
I bought sukam 12v 10 amp battery charger in September 2015. I used it one and half day and it stop working then sukam Er. replaced it with new one. Again I used it one hour and ten minutes after that it stopped working. Very bad experience I faced with sukam company must investigate the such issues then it should be provide to the customer