Ather Energy, the Bangalore based startup has revealed the complete specs of their upcoming electric scooter named Ather S340. Referred as India’s first ever electric scooter, the vehicle was earlier premiered at the SURGE conference in Bangaluru back in February 2016. During the conference, the company did not disclose much detail about their flagship product. Now it has revealed all the information of this fully electric scooter, which is likely to be launched in coming months. However, the price is yet to be announced.
On powering, the Ather S340 is packed with a lithium ion battery which can run the scooter up to 60 kms in a single charge. Offering a long life of 50,000 kms or lifespan of 5-6 years, the equipped battery can be recharged up to 90 percent in an hour. Beside being electric scooter, it can accelerate with the torque output of 14 Nm which makes it to sprint 0-60 kmph in just 12.11 seconds.
You can also see: Ather S340 Infographic
Built around a hybrid lightweight aluminum chassis and swing-arm, the Ather S340 is designed and developed in three years from the scratch. Carrying sportier elegance, the scooter gets an intuitive LED lights, dashboard touchscreen to control the provided features easily with the riders sign option and to connect it with the S340 Mobile App.
Other essential features which include LED headlight, tail lamp, large floorboard and the 200mm disc brakes in both rear and front wheel makes it the comfortable for both the passenger.
Ready for launch, Ather S340 will be the first ever scooter which will be sold online and not be available at the dealerships.
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