The Indian automobile maker, Force has spied testing for its 4x4 versions of the One SUV and the EX base variant has been spotted recently. Now, the SX variant is in the phase of testing in Pune with the 4X4 sticker and badging, which have already been considered in its various caught testing mules. The runabout gets subtle cosmetic modifications and will look a bit different from the EX version. If you would like to differentiate between these two models, then there are no more dissimilarities, except the material of the seats. The EX model comprises the fabric seats, while the SX variant has the leather seats.
Mechanically, the Force One SX receives the noteworthy Borg Warner four wheel drive system alongside the electronic shift on the fly function. It includes 2.2 litre motor that generates the stunning power of 140 bhp and the maximum torque of 320 Nm. The base variant, EX is machined with a 2.6 litre turbo charged inter cooled, direct injection diesel engine to pump out the output of 82 bhp and the peak torque of 230 Nm. The mills are paired to a five speed synchromesh gearbox.
On the other hand, the brand has launched its premium LX variant in the Indian market and two more four wheel drive versions from Force One are yet to be released. By launching these latest models, the automaker is anticipated to be listed in the list of top SUV car producing companies in the country.
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