Mahindra's upcoming SUV that has yet to be given an official name, is creating a lot of buzz in the market. Some recent reports suggest that the launch of this upcoming vehicle will take place in the next year. Code-named as S101, this car is smaller in size than a usual SUV with the capacity to occupy six people at a time. This model is much like a crossover but at the same time characterized by high ground clearance. As we all know, the company has already earned a lot of fame particularly in the utility vehicle segment like the successful Bolero model.
Based on the monocoque platform, this car is likely to employ various hi-tech as well as modern features like infotainment system with Bluetooth compatibility, Air Conditioner, audio controls mounted on the steering wheel, etc. Furthermore, the safety of occupants will be assured with the presence of important equipments like ABS and dual airbags in the front.
The mechanical configuration comprise a 1.2 litre engine that is expected to be available in both diesel and engine options. Power will be transmitted to the wheels via a five-speed manual gearbox along with an optional AMT unit. The fuel efficiency on offer is measured as 18-19 km/l in the petrol variant and 22-23 km/l in the diesel variant. The company is also coming up with the facelift version of Quanto model and the TUV300 SUV in the next coming months. SUV models like Hyundai i20 Active and Ford EcoSport are likely to pose threat for this upcoming vehicle.
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