After a series of teased images, Mahindra had recently unveiled the exterior features of the much awaited KUV100, but kept mum about the interior details. However, certain spy shots are out, which give a complete insight about the cabin highlighting portions like dashboard and centre console. It appears to be the cabin of the top end trim named K8 in the lineup containing a 5+1 seat configuration.
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Discussing the features of cabin, it is finished in Piano Black along with silver accents at certain portions. The gear lever has been shifted to the dashboard, while the handbrake lever with a pull-type mechanism is situated below the centre console much like that of Datsun Go and Toyota Qualis. Further, the instrument cluster gets a single binnacle unit and a pair of rectangular AC vents are located on the top of the centre console. The infotainment facility is devoid of any touchscreen feature, but comes with multimedia information display.
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As far as the mechanical setup is concerned, it has been already disclosed that the newly developed mFalcon engine will make its way under the hood. It will be available in both diesel and petrol guise, carrying a 5-speed manual gearbox alongside an optional AMT unit. The crossover hatch is slated to be launched in India on 15 January, 2016. In order to promote the car, Mahindra has approached actor Varun Dhawan, who can be seen in the printed advertisements as well as in the TVC.
Source: Autocar India
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