Mahindra launches Two Digital Platforms for Enhancing Customer Experience

Adding to the rundown of companies providing digital services to upgrade customer engagement and interest, Mahindra & Mahindra today introduced two new digital platforms, one focused at the purchasing behaviour and the other at improving the ownership experience. The platforms grant some new and innovative features, alongside regular services.

Towards the purchasing experience, Mahindra has announced, where a forthcoming customer can investigate the company’s vehicles, accessorise them and at least make a booking. One of the noteworthy feature of the platform is ‘Collaborative Exploration’, under which one can exercise different paints, alloys, and other adornments on a Mahindra vehicle. The novel aspect here is that it should possibly be done cooperatively with friends online and the customer can seek instant opinions during the procedure. Once done, pictures and details of the finished vehicle can be shared to different social media platforms like Facebook.

Another service, ‘Talk to expert’ is the place, where prospects can video chat with a Mahindra expert to clear any of its question and received appropriate information. The service is not available 24x7, but Mahindra will be move up to work on user demand. There are some different areas like ‘3D Discovery’ where users can virtually experience a 3D model of the car and investigate its key features, details, news, and blog update zones.

Offered services screenshot

The second platform, takes the post-sales area in accounts. Using this platform, Mahindra's current customers can keep all their car details online and book services. Here too Mahindra has one of its kind feature where customers can save a particular bay and time slot at a dealership of their choice. The car can also be picked up and delivered to the owner's home, while the payment and other paperwork like the employment card, receipt and so on. Should alsobe done online.

Speaking to Autocar India, Mahindra officials expressed that this is only the start of the digital push and the organisation is planning to expand these services to also include features like smart vehicle prognosis, where the vehicle itself will analyze and anticipate service necessities. internet tracking for new vehicle conveyance will also be incorporated. This will permit customers to see the correct position of their vehicles, from the industry to the showroom floor, much like the following offered by today's ecommerce sites for item shipments.

Source:  Autocar India

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