Rajasthan’s three days Auto Expo is going to start from tomorrow. The 2016 Jaipur Auto Expo will be witnessed on three consecutives dates, 4th, 5th and 6th March at S.M.S. Investment Corporation Ground Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur. The expo will be open from 13:00 Hrs to 22:00 Hrs. The Expo is being set up by Authorised Motor Vehicle Dealers Association that will manage the product display and booking in B2C platform. The Auto Expo will attract various domestic and international brands for the participation. However, it's now new for Jaipurites, as the show is held every year and every year is full of surprises. We will witness the new technology based cars and bikes at the Expo which will be exhibited in a 65000 square feet wide area.
The vehicles will be displayed in category wise, namely, superbikes, SUVs, MUVs, Hatchbacks, Sedans, Hybrid Cars, EVs, and commercial vehicles as well. Apart from the display, the executives will allow the visitors to book their favourite car/bike and get informed about the Accessories, Finance , and Insurance. The Expo will also host some promotional competitions in order to attract the crowd. Competitions like Bike stunt show, Drawing show, and vintage car gallery will be organized for the sake of entertainment and fun.
The Auto Expo will be open for people aged between 10 to 50 years. Therefore, people who are willing to witness the Auto Expo are invited to register themselves on the official website- www.jaipurautoexpo.com
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