Microsoft India has tied up with Amazon India to give a limited time offer on Surface Pro 4 Core M. According to the offer, customers can purchase the Surface Pro 4 variation for just Rs. 58,890 in return for any old laptop or tablet (in working condition), including MacBook and iPad, the organization said in a press release on Thursday. The organization has indicated that the Type Cover, which changes the tablet into Laptop, is excluded in the offer.
So as to benefit this offer, users need to buy Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Core M from and after that enter their request ID and along with details of the device that is being exchanged organization's partner website. "Once the details are verified, consumers will get a notification on the exchange value of the old device as per partner's evaluation and an additional cash bonus of Rs. 20,000," the company said in its emailed statement.
Also Read: Microsoft All Set To Bring Full-Version Of Skype To Linux, Chromebook
Microsoft propelled the Surface Pro 4 in January in India beginning at Rs. 89,990. The organization fixing up with Amazon to offer the gadget solely for the initial six months of its discharge. In our audit of the tablet, we termed Microsoft Surface Pro 4 as "noteworthy Windows tablet" additionally the portability and power of this laptop are quite impressive, but it perhaps misses the mark because of the delivery process. So in lieu to overcome the fallout of the delivery process, the company has tied up with the
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