Important Myths Behind Dandruff

  • 31st, Aug 2013 1:56 PM
  • SAGMart Team
  • View: 1506
  • badnormalgoodbetterbest  (1 rate)

If you are fed up of dandruff in your scalp and want to get rid of it but you are tired by adopting so many remedies than it is important to understand the main problem. There are different myths which do not have any actual base.

Let's get to know some myths of our mind related to dandruff:

Dry skin is the reason - If the skin of your scalp is dry than it will increase automatically but this reason is not the single one. In many chances dandruff is yeast present in the scalp which remains in oil and dead cells of the skin.

Shampoo does not increases dandruff - If you think that shampoo will increase your problem than you are wrong. Shampoo washes the dead skin and clears the dust of hairs means shampoo is good for your head skin.

Effect of itching - Itching is a normal problem which one faces in hairs. It is not the single reason of hair problems. It may be a reason of skin allergy as well.

Get rid of it forever - It is not true that you can't get rid of this problem for ever. If you take right hair care treatment than you can easily solve it forever.

Better skin care and hair care can make your scalp dandruff free. So don't hesitate to use important remedies which can make you relax.