The social network giant Facebook has confirmed the reports of buying a famous search engine TheFind for an unknown amount. The reason behind this purchase could be the tougher market conditions which have left even Facebook worried of their competitors. After buying the search engine, social network giants is planning to enhance its search results even more. The company also said that TheFind will help make its ads more relevant and better for its users. Well, it won't be wrong to say that Mark Zuckerburg is trying all cards to be the sire of the market, but the route is still long way down the road the big fishes like Google and Microsoft are too on sales increase hunt these days.
Talking about the company TheFind, it was founded back in 2006 and let the users find items to buy from the websites or the listed local stores as well. The headquarters is based in Mountain View, California. After the acquisition, the company will be shut down officially and only a handful of its employees will work at the Facebook office.
The deal will be closed with in a few next weeks and the amount of the deal will be disclosed by then only as it hasn't been out now by either parties.