Large Password can Crash the Security Flaw in Android Phones

Android platforms are the well known platforms provided with the smartphones now a days. The operating environment provided smoothens the pace with the multitasking surface being provided. The security is equally important and focused by the creators. There have been many security holes provided to the smartphones for the user to feel secure. The attacker can break these security bars by various tactics that are needed to be flashed upon.

The encryption is the technique which has also been ruled by the devices but the recently discovered Android Security Flaw can let the attacker to crash the lock screen security even. The security can be broken up by entering the large password in the panel and getting the access as that of the rightful owner. It gives you more reasons to be careful. The security flaw bypasses the lock screen on most versions of Android Lollipop. To prevent the sack, all you need to do is work with that text while the camera app is open, and then enter it into the password prompt.

The exploit is needed to be fixed by the creators as that is fixed by Google's Nexus Devices. The devices have got a security update to fix up the problem. It doesn't work with the PIN code security or a pattern unlock bar. The prones are not high but you need to be concerned about your device.  

While the Android makers are focusing on the issue, you need not to stuck on the hardware support that patch late on the board with the not at all tag or late to do list. To avoid the case you just need to switch yourself from a danger or risky zone to a more predictable unlock method. This will surely lessen the risk of comforting the attacker from the password being known to him, as the attacker will only try the harder and reachable code. But this won't lessen the risks to null.