
Google Renovate its Way of Search

Google, Known as Father of the web world is renovating its way of searching for query. At present to get relevant data we take help from Google by typing our query on the blank white box, but in future you do not have to give pain to your hands, your computer will become talking computer where you just have to give voice commands and Google will start its search. It's just like 'Star Treks'. This new experience is given the name as SXSW Interactive which is conjectured as the fate of computer searches.

All the functions are based on the theory of Artificial Intelligence and will depend on technologies monitoring voice control, sensory tech and touch. The new technology known as semantic search which helps in proper sorting of data and provides you the exact and relevant results. With Semantic search your PC will came to know the meaning of ambiguous terms.

The company says that Google changes its ranking criteria time by time but there are few sites which do not possess relevant data and they fooled Google search results, so if search engine understands what exactly the word is searched for then user will not get trapped in the hands of trickster. Click for more information.

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12th, Mar 2013 4:12 PM
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