
How to know Unknown Caller Number Details

Mobile users are increasing in country day by day. India is the biggest mobile user country with 96 crore user but with this increase in users, unknown phone calls and missed calls counting are also increasing so we are going to tell you how to get details of the unknown caller.

Generally unknown calls are like a headache. According to the survey report unknown calls come on girls phone, though there are many ways to get rid from this problem like phone switch off, divert call and not responding to call but despite of these there are other ways also.

True caller, through this application you can know the location of caller and also you can sue in the court against unknown caller. In this 622 million phone number details are saved which includes the name and address of their home. This Android, iPhone, Window and symbian platform based application should be at first downloaded.

1) Applications that run on the Android platform for mobile download link

2) Applications that run on the Symbian platform in the mobile download link

3) Applications that run on the iPhone platform in the mobile download link

After downloading your mobile screen will pop up which has call filter, search and update phonebook option etc. Through search option you can find out all the details of your saved number, though in India it does not give the full call details.

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26th, Feb 2013 1:56 AM
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