
Main reason for Dizziness is problem in your Ear

Ear is very sensitive organ it's work is not limited to sense vibrating sounds but also it maintain balance in our body. If you feel dizziness then that means that something is wrong with your ear. According to the research 90% people who feels like fainting means that they are suffering from some ear problem.

To clean ears people use spirit and hydrogen peroxide which is not safe for the ears and make your ear unhealthy. Sometimes it happens that while taking bath, water droplets enters into our ear drum and causes yellow color pigment to come out of your ear. This pigment may also damage your ear bone which further can cause brain fever.

So it is essential to take care of your ear and if there is pain in your ear then you must contact to the experienced doctors.


  • Deaf by birth.
  • Wax formation.
  • Hole in ear drum, dizziness and gluear.


  • Irritation in the ear.
  • Formation of yellow pigment.
  • Formation of wax which is due to the decrease in formation of an oily substance called as sitomin, problem in hearing.


  • Clean your ear regularly.
  • If your ear is paining then consult to the doctor.
  • To clean your ears do not use safety pins and other sharp things which harm your ear.
  • Do not apply spirit and hydrogen peroxide to ears.
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26th, Jan 2013 2:40 AM
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