
Smoking Affects direct to your Mind

Scientists are researching in King College London, say that learning power of mind, remembrance ability and the logical thinking may be delete by cigarette smoking and the mind get rot.

A Research is revealed on about eight thousand eight hundred people older than fifty years that high blood pressure and obesity also affect the mind. Scientists say that people must understand the impact of their lifestyle effect both the mind and body.

This research from Kings College's scientists was printed first time in the journal of "age and aging". Data were collected on People's health and living older than 50 years and then by some minor practicing their mind also checked.

"It is cleared from the first research that dementia has direct connection to high blood pressure (amnesia) and smoking, evidences are stronger by this research"

Doctor Simon Ridley

All those people are examined after four years and again eight years.

Investigation showed that the direct relationship of cigarette smoking during exercise. This means that more of cigarette smoking affects their working hours and exercise. British doctor Simon Ridley says "it is clear from many research conducted that smoking and high blood pressure has the direct link to dementia, based on research evidence and it was strong."

According to Doctor Simon Ridley, middle-aged people should pay attention to the health of their heart. Elgimers society said about this, we all know that smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high body mass index are very harmful to our heart and this research prove that all of these are also harmful to our mind.

According to elgimers society, one of the three-people above Sixty-five years may be the amnesia with much more risk. Balanced diet, weight control, regular exercise, blood pressure and regular check of cholesterol and no smoking prevent your mind to damage.

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30th, Nov 2012 8:11 AM
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Source: BBC

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