
Tobacco Cures Fatal Disease Rabies at Low Cost

Tobacco is an agricultural product which contains nicotine. This is basically a drug which is also used in cigars, cigarettes, snuff, and pipe and chewing tobacco. Once people consume tobacco they become addict of this. Tobacco contains such chemicals compounds like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzpyrene), formaldehyde, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), phenols, and many others which are harmful for the body and person become addict of it, because of this addictive properties tolerance and dependence develops.

But, now scientists has developed an antibody from this plant which is used to cure rabies. Rabies is a disease which is caused by the infection due to animal bite. The rabies virus infects our nervous system and ultimately damage our brain which leads to death.

Generally Tobacco is considered to be the killer, but research says that if we change some characteristics of tobacco plant then we can cure rabies at low cost. London University researcher says that by changing genes of tobacco an anti body is discovered which do not allow rabies virus to each the brain. Researchers says that every year thousands of people died because of animal bite. Bauth says if rabies is not cured then its effect is100 percent dangerous and this can also cause death.

The Fasibi Journal Editor, New York University, University Professor of Medicine and Director of the Biotechnology Study Center, Gerald Bijman says that though rabies cure is possible but it is still a fatal disease.

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5th, Feb 2013 6:59 AM
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