
Useful tips to keep Glasses away from Eyes

Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body. It needs proper care to save from glasses and other eye diseases. Continuous work on computer and watching TV can become the reason of many eye problems. Not doing proper care is the main reason behind eye diseases. Few remedies may help you to cure from problems.

Low vision, web on eyes and irritation of eyes are serious problems that may go ahead so when you are feeling these kind of problem than immediately visit to the doctor. Sprinkle water in your eyes for 25-50 times with mouth full of water and go for eye check-up within two-three weeks. Be conscious about eye-makeup and do not drop any medicine in your eyes without prescription.

Keep yourself away from tension and low sleep. Always wear sunglasses before going in the sunlight. Keep used tea-bags in fridge before going in office and put them on eyes for few minutes after reaching home; it will give cool effect to your eyes. Take green vegetables, tomato, milk products and chicken in your diet to keep your eyes healthy for long period of time.

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4th, Jan 2013 3:52 AM
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