The association of Renault Nissan is celebrating their 14th-anniversary. The union was started in 1999. Renault is a French car manufacturer and Nissan is a Japanese auto company and both the companies has an unique identity in terms of development and car manufacturing. It is one of the renowned joint venture which has been since long in the market.
Renault has gain so much of growth and global success along with high competitive strategy to deal with famous rivals. After Toyota, Volkswagen and General Motors it is fourth-ranking union with selling of 2,550,286 vehicles by Renault and 4,940,133 by Nissan. It covers around 10% of globally sold vehicles and new cars. The international development of Renault has taken a speed due to this high selling speed. Only 8% of car market was represented by the BRIC countries(Brazil, Russia, India and China) in 1999, but now 36% of international vehicle sale has been represented by these countries. The union is planning to increase the sale in BRIC countries.
The three giant Renault, Nissan and AVTOVAZ is targeting to increase its share from 10% to 40% by the year 2016. In the past years Nissan, Renault has been benefited due to good growth in U.S and in Chinese market. When Nissan sells a car Renault get 43.4% of revenue. RNPO (Renault-Nissan Purchasing Organization) is responsible for all alliance purchasing. When RNPO came into existence 100% of purchase has been shared, compared with 30% in 2001.