Mahindra KUV100 is due for launch on 15th January 2016 and the automaker has kept a lot of things hidden. However, a Youtue user Gaurav Thakur has managed to capture the mini-SUV in a video, which has been uploaded on the website. Until now, the rear had not been revealed, but this video shows each and every detail of the car, which seems to be the top end K8 variant. Bookings have already started and actor Varun Dhawan is promoting the model in TVC and print media.
Take a look at the video below to get a clue about the upcoming KUV100:
Video Courtesy: Gaurav Tech & Auto Show
Discussing the features of the car, the spy shots suggest that a lot of chrome has been utilised at various exterior portions including the grille, fog lamp enclosure and rear reflectors. There is also a rear spoiler as well as rear washer fitted on the end and the KUV100 stands on multi-spoke alloy wheels. Moving into the cabin, the compact vehicle features a dual tone ambiance equipped with many fitments. These include vertically arranged rotary controls for the HVAC, bench-type front seats, 3-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and an integrated music system.
You may also like: Mahindra KUV100 Spyshots
The four wheeler will be offered in 4 variants, namely K2, K4, K6 and K8. All these variants will be fitted with ABS and dual front airbags for safety purpose. Moving on to the mechanical specs, the company's newly developed mFalcon engine family will be powering the KUV consisting of diesel and petrol motors. It's a 1.2 lite 3-cylinder unit that makes 82Bhp/114Nm of maximum output in the petrol guise, wheras in diesel, it pumps out 77Bhp/190Nm.
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